February 2014

Pick up a copy of our February 2014 issue to meet Minnesota Vikings cheerleader Alissa Staloch, find the best salons and stylists in town and enjoy a romantic meal with your Valentine's Day sweetie. You'll also read about local food drives, events and more.

When the editors at Plymouth Magazine go through the selection process each year determining which images will be showcased on the Last Glance page (a process that occurs in tandem with the city judging of the annual Picture Plymouth contest in early September), details about images and


February is well-known as the month of love—fragrant bouquets of roses and heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are sure-fire ways to win over your honey’s heart. But sometimes there’s nothing better than spending time together over a delicious meal or even a piece of luscious dessert.


Artists from around the Plymouth area gathered November 16-17 at Plymouth Creek Art Center to showcase their finest wares. All photos by Marissa Martinson.


Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre is a professional touring theater company, but with a twist:  The troupe works with local kids to put on the show, providing professional sets, props, costumes and direction.  Plymouth parks a


Harnessing the power of Google Earth, third-grade teacher Aaron Monson transports his class to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Daytona Beach in Florida and the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Aaron pilots a make-believe airplane.


From split ends to chapped lips, the obstacles on the road to pretty can seem not only endless but, sometimes, insurmountable.


I fought many battles with my mom while shopping for back-to-school clothes as a kid. She insisted I try on the clothes in the fitting room before she would fish out her checkbook; I had an aversion to those brightly lit stalls, and avoided them even at the expense of her irritation.


Parents seeking another option for their child’s education are now being offered just that in Plymouth.


Have you ever been part of a holiday food drive? Maybe you donated some noodles or cans of soup, or helped stock the shelves at a local food pantry. During the winter holidays, food shelves experience a surge of giving.


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The hottest beauty trend this season is eyelash extensions. “Eyelash extensions are the new little black dress,” says Cindy Severns, aesthetician at Simonson’s Salon and Spa.


Each fall, Plymouth Arts Council jazz chairwoman Wilma Pryor coordinates the Jazz Impressions concert. Attendance has increased every year, but the arts council wants more: “We want to break out,” volunteer Theresa Ziegler says.


Alissa Staloch received an MBA in human resource management from Capella University in 2012, works as the human resources administrator and executive assistant at Simonson’s Salon and Spa, and dances as a Vikings cheerleader on the side.